Friday, November 16, 2007

Not Feeling Very Well

Hi Everyone.  Just a very short entry tonight.  I am so very drained right now.  I have been resting for most of the evening.  My sweet friend Heather, who has been worried about me, convinced me and even took me to see the doctor today.
It turns out that my being sick is more serious than just a cold or flu.  I was told that I have borderline pneumonia.  The X-rays seem to confirm that.  I have never felt so week in my life.  Heather is here spending the weekend with me, she is such a dear friend.  So I'd better get off before I fall asleep doing this.  Have a good weekend.  Luv ya!  TTFN


Anonymous said...

Poor baby.  I hope you will be feeling better soon.  You be sure to get enough rest and don't go to work on Monday if you are still feeling this way.  Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Get yourself better!!!   Just take the advice you would give me if I told you I was feeling bad..   and to it yourself!!!    LOL    Love you.    J

Anonymous said...

Wow, rest up and see how good a friend Heather is and if she'll massage your feet! ;-)
Gaz xx

Anonymous said...

You better take care of yourself young lady!!
rest rest rest and plenty of fluids and soup...
hope you are feeling better real soon okay??

Anonymous said...

Nothings better for this than lots and lots of rest. My thoughts and prayers will be that you find some comfort and relief soon. What a dear friend you have. Take care of you my friend with hopes that you will be feeling much better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better and soon....drink lots and lots of fluids so you don't dehydrate!!!

You have a good friend there....


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww Allison I sure hope you feel better soon, get lots of rest and drinking lots of fluids and chicken soup, Love Ya Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hope ya feel better soon..........
This change of the season can bring about all kinds of illness.....
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Allison I hope you feel better soon!

Hope you get lots of needed rest


Anonymous said...

Oh Allison.  I knew you weren't feeling well but I didn't think it was that bad.  I'm glad you have your friend helping out.  I don't understand why Rene isn't there with you.  If you need anything give me a call. Love you so much!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to give you call Ally.  I'm worried about you.  Where is your husband?  


Anonymous said...

Hi Allison

I'm sorry to hear that your not feeling well. I do hope you get to feeling better. Try to take care of yourself. We'll be here when you get back. We love you.

Anonymous said...

aww i hope you feel better its going to take a while to get over that make sure you do get up and do alittle of some walking to clear your lungs of that crap and always try to take deep breathes so ur lungs wont collapse phenmonia is a killer i know i had it all the time but im immune to it lol.