Hi everyone. Just a short entry. I'm here in Arizona with my cousin Michelle. It hasn't been the best of trips. This chick is a sickie. Notice I said sickie and not sicko! LOL
Ever since I got off the plane I haven't felt well. I have felt nauseous and had a fever for two days along with a nagging cough. I can't even hold my little cousins. They are so adorable! I am hoping to be able to go to the race tomorrow but I feel so weak right now. I will force myself if I have to. Poor Michelle is taking care of her kids and one big kid me. This isn't how I planned this trip. I wanted to spend some quality time with her and instead I am a patient. LOL
Anyway, I hope you have all had a good week and that your weekends will be great. Luv ya! TTFN
I hope you feel better soon and are able to enjoy the race...and the little ones!
Poor baby! I have been a bit under the weather all week too. This cough will not go away. I feel bad for you. You deserve a good vacation beautiful. Hope to see you tomorrow. Love ya!
Sorry you aren't feeling well baby sis. Hope you will be able to go to your race tomorrow. Tell Michelle hi for me! Love you!
Oh No ~ So sorry to hear your not feeling well. Maybe a good dose of Nascar will cure this thing. Take care of you, be safe and try and have some fun.
Awwwww Allison, sorry you are'nt feeling well, I miss talking to you, get better quick ok, Love Ya Lisa
Hope you feel better soon...
Awwwwwwwwwwww, I hope ya feel better soon!
Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Keeping you in my prayers on the smoke your soon better. (Hugs) Indigo
Hope your better soon.. :( luvya j
So sorry...
Hope you are feeling better now (I am here really late, apparently). Love ya, sickie chickie! Jae
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