Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lot's to Talk About in a Short Time

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful week and that you have many good and fun plans for the weekend.  My week went pretty well and was pretty fast.  Next week will even be faster with only four working days and then one of my favorite holidays Independence Day!
I wanted to share with you a couple charities that are close to my heart.  I do so love children and most of you know that I can't wait to someday have some of my own. Sometimes children don't get the live the lives that they need and their lives are cut short due to many reasons including catastrophic illness.  It breaks my heart when a little one will never be able to grow up to live as an adult.  So I wanted to pass along a couple of links to these charities so you could check them out and maybe get involved in someway in your communities.
Dear Ally?
Rene  has been bugging me for a while now saying that I am so addicted to the Internet that I should make myself useful.  LOL  He thinks that I'd be great at giving advice to people that may want it.  He often calls me Dear Ally and thinks I'm more hip than the old Dear Abby column.  I don't know about that but I do care about people and decided that I would love it if any of you wanted to ask me advice on anything I'd be happy to do my best to help you.  So please send me your problems and or relationship questions and I will be more than happy to answer them here.
Reality Shows
As most of you know I love watching reality TV shows.  My favorite, Big Brother, will be back on the air on July 13 Woohoo!  Hell's Kitchen is down to the final two between Petrozza and Christina!  Should be exciting.  The Mole has been pretty fun to watch and that caps off a wonderful Monday night with The Bachelorette on before it.  I really do like DeAnna and hope she finds what she is looking for.
Anyway, I think I've jabbered enough for one day.  I know you all have many journals to read.  Have yourselves a happy weekend and remember to keep a smile on your pretty faces.  Luv ya!  TTFN
You Are a Fork
You are truthful, direct, and straight forward.
People find your honesty to be a bit piercing at times.

You are driven and wildly ambitious.
You know what you want, and you take the most direct path to getting it.


Anonymous said...

I think your kind heart and thoughtful words would be of help to so many. I say go for it!!!!! Thanks for the links. Your the best. Hope your weekend is good to you and yours. Take care,

Anonymous said...

You are a Knife  

You are precise, determined, and detail oriented.
You mean what you say, and you say what you mean.

You enjoy taking risks and living on the edge.
You are a controversial person. You opinions tend to be divisive.  

Have a happy weekend yourself Allison.


Anonymous said...

Love your choice of charities...  we are very involved with Shirners hospitals ourselves, we give them a bundle every year.  I don't have a problem to send you, but you know you will be my first place to send one when I get it.  LOL   Have a good weekend  !!!!!!    luvya    J

Anonymous said...

make a wish foundation sent me and my brother to disney world when we were babies since we had illnesses.

Anonymous said...

Allison, love your charity choices, have a great weekend, Love Ya Lisa

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for bb10 :)  I watch all the other shows you mentioned lol.  I am a reality junkie..hubby can't stand most of them.. oh well gotta love the DVR lol.

take care

Anonymous said...

You are so cute!!!!  I am behind on Bachelorette... need to watch the TIVO and get caught up!  Big Brother back allready???? I can hardly wait hahaha!  As far as advice goes I will have to think of something and let you advise me hehehe :)


Anonymous said...

The Make A Wish Foundation is a charity I hold close to my heart...
My daughter was granted a wish when she was sick, and let me tell you; to see a smile on her face the day her wish came true was the most incredible thing, as I had not seen even a speck of happiness on that sad little face for a very long time...
You know, they do take volunteers as "Fairy Godparents" (I think that is what they called them).  They are in charge of meeting the child and family, and for helping to come up with a wish if the child can't decide (some kids are so sick they just can't think of anything good).  They coordinate the whole thing.  They work diligently to make the whole process a wonderful thing.  And they do!  I think you would be GREAT at it!!!

I have many things I could use some advice from Ally on.  Would it be an anonymous post?  Like we send the issue we are struggling with via e-mail, but you do not disclose who is asking when you post the question and answer in your blog?  You will be great at that, too!
You are just a great person!!!

Anonymous said...

Doc loves watching Hell's Kitchen. I think it's awesome for you to highlight those 2 charities for kids. Your a sweet, loving person hon. I'm not at all surprised your that thoughtful. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Love your graphics...too cute!
Hope you had fun swimming...

Gonna have to check out Dear Ally =)
