Hi Everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Monday . . . yeah right Allison! LOL Mine was OK. Back to work of course. I've been tired for two days now, but I'm not admitting I had too much to drink on Saturday night. No, I'm not in denial . . . I just refuse to admit anything incriminating. LOL
Today I thought I'd do something different that requires your participation. So don't be shy. I have ten questions for YOU, my friends and loyal readers, to all answer. Just copy and paste these questions and answer them in a journal entry of your very own.
Join in and let's have some fun and maybe learn something about one another. If no one does this I will be disappointed.
Luv ya!
Question one: What one physical thing would you change about yourself?
I think I am mostly happy about my physical shape with the one exception of my thighs. If I were a chicken at KFC I'd be meaty to say the least. I can't help it, it is a family trait. Some of the less fortunate women in the family are worse off.
Question two: Out of these emotions, what percentage would you rate yourself as it pertains to your normal everyday life? Equal them to 100%.
a) Happy 75%
b) Sad 10%
c) Angry 10%
d) Depressed 5%
Question three: What is the worst pick up line a guy has used on you?
Some guy actually came up to me once and asked "I hope you know CPRbecause you take my breath away.
Question four: What five movies could you watch again and again?
Groundhog Day
Forrest Gump
Somewhere in Time
As Good as it Gets
National Lampoons Vacation
Qurestion five: What best describes who you are?
a) Girlie Girl
b) Daddy's Girl
c) Tomboy
d) Feminine, but not afraid to get your hands dirty
Question six: In a movie about you, who would you want to play the role of You?
When I used to answer this question without hesitation I would say Lindsay Lohan, but now she just doesn't fit who I am. I'd have to say someone like Scarlett Johannson or Kirstin Dunst.
Question seven: How important is it for you to be liked by others?
I consider this to be important. I am not necessarily looking to be idolized others but I do want them to like me and who I am. It bothers me when someone for no apparent reason doesn't like me. I know not everyone can like you but part of me thinks that they can. Naive I know, but you can't blame me for trying.
Question eight: If you saw your best friend's boyfriend with another girl and they were kissing, would you tell your bestfriend what you had seen?
That is a difficult one, but if my best friend meant so much to me and we were close, I would have to tell her. I couldn't let her not know what her boyfriend may or may not be up to. There could be a simple explanation, but I wouldn't want my friend to find out a harder way. I've been there and done that.
Question nine: Name to musical artists you really like and why?
This is easy. I like Carrie Underwood, and not because her first name is the same as my sister. I like her because I really love her voice and songs, I have been following her ever since American Idol. She is such a good person and she is very wholesome, unlike someone like Britney Spears. The second one would be Enya. I just love her music. It is so relaxing and if I have an upsetting day I will pop in her cds and meditate. It does the trick everytime.
Question ten: If you had one wish given to you, and you could have anything you wanted, and you couldn't wish for more wishes, what would you wish for?
I'd have to say that my wish would not be for something for me per se. I would use my wish to stop disease in the world. It is a simple wish but it would have a great impact on society an no one would have to be treated for anything again. Of course there would be implications like the population of the world would dramatically increase, so maybe it isn't a logical wish, but a wish from my heart.
So I hope you will do this for me! Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Good questions, sorry I don't have a journal so I can answer them myself. LOL Hope your having a good week!!!! Don't drink so much next weekend. ROFL
I'm gonna play, just not tody. Love this! Thank you for sharing a part of you! Hope you have a wonderful tomorrow!
Allison, good questions, this will be my entry tommorow, have a good Tuesday, Love Ya Lisa
Love your answers, I will try and do this before I leave...
OK honey bunch, I did this for you, with some small changes. Love you! : )
Hey silly sis, liked your answers. Miss you much. Love you!!
allison this was great! I'll have to do one too now. : ) although I never really got "as good as it gets" well I got it ... I just didn't see why everyone liked it so much. : x
I'll do mine soonnn. : D
What a fun quiz. Always nice to get to get to know you better!
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