Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hi Everyone.  I hope you are doing well this Sunday.  I had a somewhat eventful for night . . . some for the good and some for the not so good.
First I talked online until almost midnight with my friend Lisa.  She is a very sweet girl.
Then Rene finally came home after being out with the guys.  I was so in the mood last night and as it turned out so was he.  Hehe  So we had lots of fun.
About four o'clock this morning I awoke in a cold sweat and I was very disheveled to say the least.  I had some sort of dream last night that scared me.  I am having a hard time remembering it but all I know is that I was very frightened and I even had tears falling down my face.  That is so unlike me, but then again I can be emotional at times.  Rene cuddled with me and I was able to fall back asleep without any further nightmares.
I got up this morning and mad Rene a nice breakfast before he had to head off to work.  I wish he could get some time off so we could spend a little quality time together.  I love and need him so very much.
Well, anyway, I guess that is all for now.  Enjoy your days everyone!  TTFN


Anonymous said...

Allison, I enjoyed talking to you too last night, sorry you had a bad dream last night, hope you have a good upcoming week, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Wow Allison, that is horrible about that dream and the way it made you feel.  I hope that is a very rare occourance.  luvya...

Anonymous said...

I hate those kinds of dreams...J

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about those dreams is that they go away when you wake up, and they're not real. Can't have bad things happening to you!

I'm glad you had a good weekend! (mostly)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had an awful nightmare especially after a wonderful night! Hope your Today brings you much happiness! Take care,

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever had a bad dream. I always overcome the creatures of the night in my dreams.