Monday, January 7, 2008


Hi Everyone!  Well Monday has pretty much come and gone.  Here I am sitting at my dad's computer, we are watching the National Championship game between Ohio St. and LSU.  I love college football.  I guess of all sports, college football is my favorite.  This is the last game until September.
Would everyone please keep my sister in your prayers.  She is going through a hard time right now.  She wouldn't want me telling what is going on so I won't but please say a prayer for her if you get the chance.
Work was OK today.  There were a couple of clients that got pretty emotional today.  They finally were able to come to grips with a few things and I was proud of them.  Wish I could tell you more about it but I just am not allowed to.
Well, I really don't have much more to say tonight other than there is a sweet guy, besides my uncle, here in J-land and I am sure he would love it if you paid him a visit . . . here's the link!  The Hadonfield Myers Experience Thanks to Emmi for the nice tag.  Hope you all have a Terrific Tomorrow!  Luv ya!  TTFN
Your Celebrity Baby Name Is...
Blossom Poet
You are White Chocolate
You are White Chocolate
You are sweet, caring, and truly very innocent.
Whether your naive ways are a bit of act or not, people like to take care of you.
You are a quiet flirt, and your power is often underestimated!


Anonymous said...

Allison will keep your sister in my prayers, I hope you have a good Tuesday, Love Ya Lisa

Anonymous said...

I hope you are noticing that Ohio State has no business in this game.   I truly hope the people that developed the BCS see how dumb it it.   LOL    Carrie will be in my prayers, of course.    luvya    J

Anonymous said...

Keeping your sister in my prayers Allison....I hope things look up for her soon!
